
Getting Started


v2.8.3 - August 16, 2024

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.112.0
    • Add r+/w+ support to the io library.
    • Report a custom error when using ! instead of not.
    • Add cc.strings.split function.
    • Add missing bounds check to cc.strings.wrap (Lupus950).
  • Security: Fixed a vulnerability allowing filesystem sandbox escape (CVE-2024-43395)
  • Security: Fixed potential data leakage by enhancing type checks (CVE-2024-39840)
  • Fixed error when [[ appears in a [[ long string
  • Fixed setfenv not returning the function passed to it
  • Fixed regression causing debugger to not set hook on all coroutines in stack
  • Fixed exception in fs.list when non-ASCII names are present
  • Added status parameter to HTTP server res.setStatusCode
  • Fixed HTTP server request handles converting line endings
  • file.readAll now correctly returns nil on a second call
  • Fixed an exception when sending an empty WebSocket message (#365)

v2.8.2 - April 22, 2024

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.110.2
    • Discard characters being typed into the editor when closing edit's Run screen.
    • Improve several Lua parser error messages.
    • colour.toBlit correctly errors on out-of-bounds values.
    • Round non-standard colours in window, like term.native() does.
    • Fix speaker program not resolving files relative to the current directory.
    • Add speaker sound command (fatboychummy).
    • Improve error when calling speaker play with no path (fatboychummy).
    • Prevent playing music discs with speaker.playSound.
    • Various documentation fixes (cyberbit).
  • Fix compilation on Linux with MUSL libc (Ocawesome101, #341)
  • Fixed Homebrew Cask release action
  • Added log message for queue overflows
  • Fixed some argument parsing issues in http.request
  • Fixed some issues with timers
  • Fix string comparison errors (migeyel, MCJack123/craftos2-lua#6)
  • Fixed an inconsistency with Cobalt with table.remove
  • lua_Unsigned uses 64-bit ints again, fixing many bugs (MCJack123/craftos2-lua#7)
  • Fixed crash when trying to halt computer
  • Fixed race condition in debug adapter
  • Fixed some missing specifiers on Windows
  • Fix for "Port already in use" error when trying to reopen WebSocket server on the same port. (simadude, #343)
  • Fixed seeking not working on HTTP handles in standards mode only
  • Chest Inventory peripheral list returns entries for empty slots (NuclearMonk, #340)
  • Fixed drives not emitting disk events
  • Fixed issue in inventories when toSlot isn't provided
  • Added warning message when the configuration file can't be saved
  • Fixed speaker_audio_empty not firing on speaker.stop
  • Fixed bounds checking on computer IDs (#350)
  • Fixed issues when providing concatenated strings to some functions

v2.8.1 - January 21, 2024

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.109.3
    • Fix trailing-comma on method calls (e.g. x:f(a, )) not using our custom error message.
  • Fixed high memory usage caused by ropes & substrings
  • Fixed crash when closing WebSocket server
  • Fixed CCEmuX plugin failing to load

v2.8 - January 1, 2024

  • Update CC:T version to 1.109.2
    • Update to Lua 5.2
      • getfenv/setfenv now only work on Lua functions.
      • Add support for goto.
      • Remove support for dumping and loading binary chunks.
        • Only disabled in standards mode
    • File handles, HTTP requests and websocket messages now use raw bytes rather than converting to UTF-8.
    • now supports r+/w+ modes.
    • Add allow_repetitions option to textutils.serialiseJSON.
    • math.random now uses Lua 5.4's random number generator.
    • tostring now correctly obeys __name.
  • Rewrote WebSocket server API (#337)
    • Use server = http.websocketServer(port) to create a server handle
    • server.listen() waits for a new connection, and returns a new WebSocket handle
      • Handles have an additional clientID field for identifying the client connection
    • server.close() closes the server
    • Events are now under the websocket_server_ domain
      • websocket_server_connect <port> <handle>: Sent when a client connects to the server
      • websocket_server_message <clientID> <message> <binary>: Sent when a client sends a message
      • websocket_server_closed <clientID> [closeCode] [closeMessage]: Sent when a client disconnects from the server
  • Bumped plugin major version to 12
    • Lua 5.2 breaks old plugins - please reinstall/rebuild any plugins (ccemux is updated)
  • WebSocket close events now send the close code if available
  • Fixed WebSocket ping messages causing the socket to close
  • Fixed many memory corruption issues around ropes
  • Fixed some issues with debug hooks and yielding
  • Fixed crash when erroring from a debug hook (#326)
  • Debuggers now inherit the mount list from the original computer (#327)
  • Fixed memory reporting when using string.rep (#328)
  • Fixed fs.getFreeSpace not checking parent directories if the path doesn't exist (#330)
  • Fixed crash when using HTTP in the VS Code extension (#332)
  • Fixed repeated websocket.close calls causing a crash (#336)
  • Mobile: Added onboarding screen for navigation bar instructions

v2.7.5 - August 2, 2023

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.106.1
    • Optimise JSON string parsing.
    • Add colors.fromBlit (Erb3).
    • Add custom timeout support to the HTTP API.
    • The speaker program now errors when playing HTML files.
    • edit now shows an error message when editing read-only files.
    • Port fs.find to Lua. This also allows using ? as a wildcard.
    • Add option to serialize Unicode strings to JSON (MCJack123).
    • Small optimisations to the window API.
    • Lua REPL no longer accepts )( as a valid expression.
    • Fix several inconsistencies with require/package.path in the Lua REPL (Wojbie).
  • Added term.relativeMouse function, which converts mouse_move events into mouse_move_relative events with relative velocities
  • Fixed modem.getNameLocal not existing
  • Fixed abort timeouts firing after the computer goes into sleep mode
  • Fixed stack corruption when using string.format("%q")
  • Fixed a niche case crash when the computer turns off while prompting for abort timeout
  • Fixed SSL errors in AppImage builds
  • Fixed incorrect file version number on Windows

v2.7.4 - May 12, 2023

  • Fixed critical crashing issue on Windows systems relating to ropes
  • Updated CC:T version to 1.104.0
    • The shell now supports hashbangs (#!) (emmachase).
    • Error messages in edit are now displayed in red on advanced computers.
    • Improvements to the display of errors in the shell and REPL.
    • Fix rednet queueing the wrong message when sending a message to the current computer.
    • Fix the Lua VM crashing when a __len metamethod yields.
    • table methods and ipairs now use metamethods.
    • Argument errors now follow the standard "X expected, got Y" format.
    • Add coroutine.isyieldable.
    • Type errors now use the __name metatag.
    • xpcall now accepts arguments after the error function.
    • speaker program now reports an error on common unsupported audio formats.
    • multishell now hides the implementation details of its terminal redirect from programs.
    • settings.load now ignores malformed values created by editing the .settings file by hand.
    • Ignore metatables in textutils.serialize.
    • Fix gps.locate returning nan when receiving a duplicate location (Wojbie).
  • Added plugin support on iOS through in-app purchases
    • Use the plugins program to buy new plugin packs
    • Only one is available at the moment, featuring ccemux, joystick, and sound
  • Native load now uses Lua 5.2 syntax, matching Cobalt's behavior
  • Fixed crashing when calling monitor.blit when the cursor is off-screen
  • Fixed compilation error on newer Linux systems

v2.7.3 - January 26, 2023

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.102.2
    • Moved Lua portions of fs and http outside the BIOS
    • Trim spaces from filesystem paths.
    • Fix import.lua failing to upload a file.
    • Reduce inconsistency with the table length operator in some cases
  • Linux builds are now officially published as AppImages
    • These will be provided in conjunction with normal packages for Ubuntu/Arch/Raspbian
    • Arch users will be able to use craftos-pc-bin package to install the AppImage version, avoiding slow local compilation
  • Replaced rope and substring allocation with clusters
    • This should hopefully fix performance and memory allocation issues with string concatenation
  • Added new multi-touch events on mobile platforms
    • _CCPC_finger_touch, _CCPC_finger_up, _CCPC_finger_drag
    • All events get finger ID, X, and Y as parameters
    • These events co-exist with single-touch mouse events
  • iOS now has Page Up/Down keys on the arrow toolbar for quicker navigation
  • Added function authentication for C functions to mitigate bytecode vulnerabilities
  • Improved performance of binary file.readAll
  • unpack no longer uses a table's n field
  • Fixed error when setting palette colors on windows in 256-color graphics mode
  • Fixed more crashing when filesystem functions fail (#280)
  • Fixed crashes due to stack overflows
  • Fixed WebSocket pings sending a close response (#214)
  • Fixed crashes in websocket.receive() when receiving a message that's too large (#297, #214)
  • Fixed vague error message responses when an HTTP request fails (#292)
  • Fixed DAP crash from setting a breakpoint in an unknown file
  • Fixed breakpoints activating on the wrong line
  • Fixed first line of a file not being able to trigger a breakpoint
  • Fixed debugger errors when invalid arguments are used on the ccdb command line (#294)
  • Fixed precision issues with os.epoch("nano") (#299)
  • Fixed rawlen and __ipairs being missing from the global table
  • Fixed Windows crash reporter being disabled
  • Windows builds will no longer attempt to prompt for crash reporting when run in console-based modes
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with seeking beyond a file's limits (#310)

v2.7.2 - November 7, 2022

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.101.1
    • File drag-and-drop now queues a file_transfer event on the computer. The built-in shell or the import program must now be running to upload files.
    • The peripheral now searches for remote peripherals using any peripheral with the peripheral_hub type, not just wired modems.
    • Add include_hidden option to fs.complete, which can be used to prevent hidden files showing up in autocomplete results. (IvoLeal72)
    • Add shell.autocomplete_hidden setting. (IvoLeal72)
    • Prevent edit's "Run" command scrolling the terminal output on smaller screens.
    • Mention WAV support in speaker help (MCJack123).
    • Add http programs to the path, even when http is not enabled.
    • Fix example in textutils.pagedTabulate docs (IvoLeal72).
    • Fix help program treating the terminal one line longer than it was.
  • Fixed a syntax error in the CCEmuX plugin's emu program (#271)
  • Fixed a bug causing copies out of virtual mounts to fail (#272)
  • Adjusted some behavior of ropes to hopefully make them faster & use less memory
    • Further fixes are in progress to fully optimize memory usage
  • Fixed issues when reading from a bad file handle
  • Fixed crashing when some filesystem functions fail
    • This was causing autocompletion on config to fail on Windows (#273), as well as crashing when using fs.getSize on a folder (#281)
  • Fixed failure to launch on Apple Silicon Macs due to incorrectly named libraries (#287)
  • Fixed missing chest.getItemLimit method (#291)
  • Adjusted some logic in WebSocket handles to fix some potential issues
  • Fixed window palettes being broken in graphics mode

v2.7.1 - September 1, 2022

  • Fixed an issue causing fs.getFreeSpace and fs.getCapacity to return invalid values on Windows
  • Fixed an issue causing fs.attributes to report read-only status incorrectly on Windows
  • (Re-)Fixed a bug causing \27 characters in files to mark end-of-files on Windows (#226)
  • Fixed fs.getName returning the wrong result in some cases
  • Fixed a crash when HTTP handle.readLine() returns an empty string (#270)
  • Fixed an issue causing the debug adapter to fail to work over stdio, causing launch requests to fail
  • Keystrokes now automatically reset modifier keys on mobile platforms

v2.7 - August 25, 2022

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.100.9
    • Added basic WAV support to speaker.lua
  • Added debug adapter for Visual Studio Code
    • This makes it possible to use VS Code's debugger interface with CraftOS-PC
    • Install the CraftOS-PC extension to use the debugger
  • Added basic generic peripheral emulation
    • New peripheral types: chest/minecraft:chest (inventory), tank (fluid_storage), energy (energy_storage)
    • tank and energy may also have custom types set on them (for emulating compatible blocks from other mods)
    • See the full documentation for more info
  • Rewrote filesystem code to use C++17 filesystem library
  • Added ability to resize monitors programmatically, including by block size (#261)
  • Added mounter sandboxing/path restriction (#104)
    • Use the mounter_whitelist and mounter_blacklist config options to set paths that are allowed and blocked
    • The deepest match of both lists takes priority
    • mounter_no_ask can be used to disable mount prompts for specific paths
  • Added istailcall field to debug.getinfo
  • CLI mode now uses the Symbols for Legacy Computing block for bitmap characters (requires a font supporting Unicode 13)
  • Adjusted configuration loading code to avoid crashes from invalid files
  • Upgraded Windows project to Visual Studio 2022
  • Fixed an issue on macOS causing HTTPS connections to fail
  • Fixed constant crashes when launching the Android app
  • Fixed "not enough memory" error when calling string.rep with a negative length
  • Fixed require not working in --script/--exec
  • Fixed a crash from invalid WebSocket data
  • Fixed an HTTP issue causing the Host header to be set incorrectly when connecting to localhost
  • Fixed a crash if a computer is closed before an HTTP request finishes
  • Fixed a rendering issue when using a custom font with the hardware renderer
  • Fixed string.format("%q") not accepting non-string arguments (#251)
  • Fixed an issue causing raw mode to hang and use 100% CPU while exiting
  • Fixed a typo in the setGraphicsMode argument checking code
  • Fixed an issue causing the debugger to error after a reboot
  • Fixed a crash when using debug.getinfo(f, ">")
  • Fixed an overflow in os.epoch when using a 32-bit architecture
  • Linux: Fixed occasional crashes from X11 while resizing, moving, etc.
  • CCEmuX plugin: Improved error message when emu open fails

v2.6.6 - May 5, 2022

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.100.5
  • Enabled proper HTTPS certificate verification
  • Added support for URLs to cc.http.gist/gist program
  • Added seek method to binary HTTP handles
  • Added strip option to string.dump from Lua 5.3
  • Fixed paintutils.drawBox not working properly in graphics mode
  • Improved DFPWM audio quality
  • Small compatibility fixes to drives
  • Fixed type of http_max_websocket_message config setting
  • Fixed crash when passing negative values to monitor.scroll (#244)
  • Fixed crash in string.rep when allocation fails (crash report)
  • Fixed possible race condition in WebSockets (crash report)
  • Fixed a crash when http_response_handle.write throws an error (crash report)
  • Fixed a possible crash when a rogue event is sent (crash report)
  • Fixed a crash when an event is sent to a computer that was just destroyed (crash report)
  • Fixed a possible crash when the abort timer triggers right as the computer shuts down (crash report)

v2.6.5.1 - February 22, 2022

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.100.2 (v2.6.5 should have had this)
  • Added nano clock to os.epoch (@SkyTheCodeMaster)
  • Added Fedora repo courtesy of @LeMoonStar
  • Fixed crashes, memory corruption caused by rope strings being freed
  • Fixed fragments being included in HTTP requests (#239)
  • Fixed speaker code not working properly by adding a queue limit

v2.6.5 - February 5, 2022

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.100.1
  • Bumped structure version to 8
    • Functions are now pre-declared to ensure type compatibility
    • New macro DLLEXPORT
    • New class TerminalFactory
    • New fields in configuration:
      • useDFPWM
    • New fields in PluginFunctions:
      • registerTerminalFactory
      • commandLineArgs
      • setListenerMode
      • pumpTaskQueue
    • New fields in Terminal:
      • factory
  • Fixed an issue causing an invalid string to be returned as the parameter for speaker_audio_empty
  • speaker.playAudio now always returns false to tell programs to wait for speaker_audio_empty as expected
  • Added caching to rope resolution to avoid concatenating the same rope multiple times
  • Modified string.rep to work more like Cobalt
  • Fixed hang when using CLI mode
  • Fixed possible race condition in mouse_move
  • Fixed an issue preventing the debugger console from scrolling
  • Added an indicator showing whether the debugger console is no longer auto-scrolling
  • Disabled loading of original package and io libraries to reduce possible vulnerabilities

v2.6.4 - December 25, 2021

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.100.0
    • Speakers can now play arbitrary PCM audio.
    • Add support for encoding and decoding DFPWM streams, with the module.
    • Fix the "repeat" program not repeating broadcast rednet messages.
  • Added useDFPWM config setting to toggle use of DFPWM playback emulation
  • Added speaker.setPosition(x, y, z) to emulate positioning of speaker audio
  • Standards mode now controls the behavior of the new speaker.playAudio
    • When disabled, all audio is added to a queue with no latency, and speaker.playAudio never fails
    • When enabled:
      • speaker_audio_empty is queued when the audio is 0.5 seconds before it's expected to finish, emulating latency
      • speaker.playAudio returns false if there is more than 0.5 seconds of audio in the buffer
      • useDFPWM is forced to true
  • Renamed speaker.stopSounds to speaker.stop
    • stopSounds still exists for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated
  • speaker.playLocalMusic is now deprecated in favor of speaker.playAudio
    • It is recommended you load the audio files yourself instead of relying on the system to decode it
  • CraftOS-PC Online is now working better (#222)
    • CraftOS-PC Online now supports Safari on iOS 15.2+/macOS 12.2+
    • There is currently a huge memory leak bug in some browsers that can cause the page to crash on low-memory systems
    • Hopefully CraftOS-PC Online will be fully working in the near future
  • Fixed some string comparisons not working as expected
  • Fixed incorrect documentation on mobile gestures (#230)
  • Fixed keyboard on iOS being dismissed when closing the app (#231)
  • Fixed screen glitches when opening a new terminal after changing useHDFont (SkyTheCodeMaster)
  • Fixed some issues with textutils.serializeJSON

v2.6.3 - December 11, 2021

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.99.1
    • Peripherals can now have multiple types. peripheral.getType now returns multiple values, and peripheral.hasType checks if a peripheral has a specific type.
    • Add feature introduction/changed version information to the documentation. (MCJack123)
    • Rednet can now handle computer IDs larger than 65535. (Ale32bit)
    • Optimise peripheral calls in (xAnavrins)
    • Add cc.pretty.pretty_print helper function (Lupus590).
    • Fix textutils.serialize not serialising infinity and nan values. (Wojbie)
    • Add package.searchpath to the cc.require API. (MCJack123)
  • Bumped structure version to 7
    • New fields in Computer:
      • shouldDeleteDebugger
    • New fields in peripheral:
      • getTypes
  • Added ability to set printer ink color
  • Added support for hexadecimal floating-point numbers
  • Unwritable data directories now throw an error
  • Default peripherals now throw an error when calling a method that doesn't exist
  • Terminal frozen status is now reset after rebooting
  • X11 and Wayland libraries are no longer required when building for Linux
  • \0 characters in a string are now treated as a space by load
  • Fixed websocket.receive not functioning properly
  • Fixed fs.copy stopping at EOF bytes on Windows (#226)
  • Fixed hardware renderer not showing anything on screen (#227)
  • Fixed crash when using detach on a debugger
  • Fixed crash when an error occurs in drive.insertDisk on Windows
  • Fixed coroutine metatable getting overwritten by coroutine.create
  • Fixed keepOpenOnShutdown using 100% CPU
  • Fixed Ctrl+R not working with keepOpenOnShutdown after two successive reboots
  • Fixed getCursorBlink being missing from monitors
  • Fixed monitor events not working properly in raw mode
  • Fixed a possible race condition when shutting down on exit
  • Fixed race condition in timer erasure
  • Fixed various other small race conditions

v2.6.2 - October 31, 2021

  • Bumped structure version to 6
    • New fields in Computer:
      • openWebsocketServers
    • New fields in configuration:
      • dropFilePath
    • New fields in PluginFunctions:
      • registerPeripheralFn
  • Added ability to drop files to paste their paths instead of copying the file
    • Enabled using dropFilePath config setting
  • Added single-window mode
    • Displays all computers on the same window
    • Activated with --single flag on CLI
    • Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right (Cmd+Option+L/R on Mac) to switch windows in GUI
  • Added ability to copy screenshots on Linux (X11, Wayland)
  • Added registerPeripheralFn capability to allow passing a function object
    • registerPeripheral is now deprecated
  • Added brand-new UI on mobile devices (beta only)
    • Redesigned UI with navigation bar & hotkey toolbar above keyboard
    • Added support for computer, debugger, and monitor peripherals
    • Change windows using the arrows in the navigation bar
    • Automatic shell resizing makes sure you can see what you type
    • Arrow key gestures now work on Android as well as iOS
    • Added new launch screen (iOS)
    • The new UI is only available in beta builds at the moment due to bugginess
  • Improved WebSocket server functionality
    • Servers can now be properly opened by calling http.websocket with a port argument
    • Multiple clients to the same server now get unique identifiers as userdata values
    • Added websocket_server_closed event to notify when an opened WebSocket server is no longer accepting connections
  • Replaced Windows nightly builds with CI build artifacts
  • CLI mode now uses Unicode characters for non-ASCII characters
    • Drawing characters are approximated using Braille characters; this may not show up well on a real terminal
  • Improved quality of CCEmuX plugin
  • WebSocket text messages are now sent in UTF-8
  • Improved Rednet deduplication efficiency (part of CC:T 1.99.0)
  • cash no longer saves duplicate history entries
  • Deprecated peripheral::update as it was never used
  • Fixed crashing whenever opening a debugger (from crash reports)
  • Fixed a crash when comparing two identical substrings (#218)
  • Fixed a crash caused by force-closing a computer after it's already gone (from crash reports)
  • Fixed a crash in term.drawPixels when passing a negative value (#224)
  • Fixed occasional crashes from get_comp cache duplication (from crash reports)
  • Fixed crashes and incorrect behavior when using string.format with substrings (from crash reports: @Creepi)
  • Fixed strings in modem messages not being sent properly on Linux (@BytecodeEli)
  • Fixed binary support in WebSocket messages
  • Fixed an issue causing input to stop working in raw mode on Linux
  • Fixed stack overflow when an error handler attempts to yield (from crash reports)
  • Fixed a bug causing old os functions to be exposed (!)
  • Fixed an incorrect error message when concatenating a concatenated string or substring with a value of an invalid type (@9551)
  • Fixed an issue with completion for boolean config settings

v2.6.1 - August 31, 2021

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.98.2
    • Add motd for file uploading.
    • Fix settings.define not accepting a nil second argument (SkyTheCodeMaster).
    • Add a missing type check for http.checkURL.
    • Prevent parallel.* from hanging when no arguments are given.
    • Prevent issue in rednet when the message ID is NaN.
    • Fix help program crashing when terminal changes width.
    • Prevent wget crashing when given an invalid URL and no filename.
    • Correctly wrap string within textutils.slowWrite.
  • Bumped structure version to 5
    • New fields in configuration:
      • useWebP
    • New fields in Computer:
      • httpRequestQueue
      • httpRequestQueueMutex
  • Added support for screenshots and recordings in WebP format
    • WebP is an image format that is much smaller than PNG/GIF and supports animation
    • All modern web browsers and OSes support WebP images
      • Unfortunately, Discord does not support WebP recordings at the moment.
    • Recordings can be up to 20x smaller than their GIF counterparts
    • Disabled by default; enable the useWebP config option to use WebP instead of PNG/GIF
  • Added support for delta installers on Windows
    • These are stripped-down versions of the installer that only contain core CraftOS-PC files
    • This reduces the size of data to download when updating
    • Some versions may not have delta installers if libraries need to be updated
  • Added update download progress window on Windows; made progress bar determinate on macOS
  • Implemented limits for HTTP options that were present but unfunctional
  • Parameters to events are now copied when standards mode is enabled
  • Opening a file when the maximum file count is reached now creates the file as expected
  • Rewrote websocket.receive function in C to perform better
  • Fixed WebSockets not sending PONG packets, causing sockets to randomly close after a while
  • Fixed crashes when trying to use a WebSocket handle after closing it
  • Fixed a race condition in HTTP requests that caused a crash
  • Fixed a race condition causing crashes when running a task on the main thread
  • Fixed a race condition causing functions (like term.write) to be run on the wrong computer
  • Fixed an issue causing the first frame of GIFs to be darker than the rest of the recording
  • Fixed the close button not working in some cases
  • Fixed fs API allowing illegal characters on Windows
  • Fixed modems not checking if channel numbers are in range
  • Fixed utf8.charpattern not existing
  • Fixed crash error message not appearing in standards mode
  • Fixed os.clock() not resetting on reboot (#215)
  • Fixed crash reporter failing to upload files + some websites failing to connect
    • TLS 1.3 was disabled (pocoproject/poco#3395), so HTTPS connections may be slightly less secure
  • Fixed duplication of default black/whitelist entries
  • Fixed pairs returning incorrect values after a call hook

v2.6 - July 11, 2021

  • CraftOS-PC is now available on Android and iOS
    • Apps are available on the iOS App Store (Play Store in the future; please download the APK manually)
    • Supports same feature set as desktop CraftOS-PC
      • Monitors and multi-computer support is missing, but will be added in a future version
    • Pinch in to open keyboard, out to close keyboard
    • Extra mobile-centric features:
      • mobile API with openKeyboard(open: boolean) and isKeyboardOpen() functions
      • _CCPC_mobile_keyboard_open <height> event when keyboard is opened, with an argument for visible height
      • _CCPC_mobile_keyboard_close event when keyboard is closed
  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.97.0
    • 1.96.0:
      • Use lightGrey for folders within the "list" program.
      • Add cc.expect.range (Lupus590).
      • Allow calling cc.expect directly (MCJack123).
      • Fix paintutils.drawLine incorrectly sorting coordinates (lilyzeiset).
      • Correctly handle sparse arrays in cc.pretty.
    • 1.97.0:
      • Add scale subcommand to monitor program (MCJack123).
        • This is a modification of the already-existing resolution subcommand.
      • Add option to make textutils.serialize not write an indent (magiczocker10).
      • Allow comparing vectors using == (fatboychummy).
      • Allow craft program to craft unlimited items (fatboychummy).
      • Add program subcompletion to several programs (Wojbie).
      • Update the help program to accept and (partially) highlight markdown files.
      • Remove config option for the debug API.
        • It still exists internally, but is always set to true.
      • Allow uploading files by dropping them onto a computer.
      • Update the wget to be more resiliant in the face of user-errors.
      • Fix exiting paint typing "e" in the shell.
  • Bumped structure version to 4
    • New fields in PluginFunctions:
      • addEventHook
      • setDistanceProvider
    • New fields in Computer:
      • eventHooks
      • Deprecated fields:
        • nextMouseMove
        • lastMouse
        • mouseMoveDebounceTimer
    • New fields in Terminal:
      • nextMouseMove
      • lastMouse
      • mouseMoveDebounceTimer
    • New types:
      • event_hook
  • Upgraded raw mode protocol to version 1.1
    • New filesystem access ability
    • Computer windows now send the ID of the computer
    • Changed meaning of raw cursor blink field to indicate blinking, not showing
    • Small improvements to the protocol
    • Official protocol specification at
  • Improved performance of string concatenation by using ropes
    • Final concatenation of strings is not completed until the string's value needs to be read
    • This was implemented in CC:T 1.91.0
    • Expect repeated concatenation operations to be around 100x faster
  • Improved performance of string.sub by using efficient substring views
    • Getting a substring no longer has to reallocate the string
    • Instead, it reuses the original string with the offset and length required
  • Added HTTP whitelist & blacklist
    • Emulates configuration of CC:T up until 1.87.0 (before rule-based system)
  • Added command-line option to connect to a remote WebSocket server in raw mode
  • Changed cursor blink speed to 0.4s to match CC's behavior
  • Rewrote main thread task queuer to be more efficient
  • Setting abortTimeout to 0 now disables abort timeouts
  • The close button no longer needs to be clicked twice to exit when keepOpenOnShutdown is enabled
  • Fixed "400 Bad Request" error on HTTP requests when the path is empty
  • Fixed crash when a bad URL is passed to HTTP functions
  • Fixed an issue causing encoded slashes in URLs being decoded prematurely (#199)
  • Fixed some memory leaks in HTTP handles
  • Fixed HTTP not working properly in CraftOS-PC Online
  • Fixed random crashes while sending messages over a modem (#205)
  • Fixed sending recursive tables over modems
  • Fixed old abort timer firing after reboot, causing spurious "Too long without yielding" errors
  • Fixed crash when canceling a timer that doesn't exist
  • Fixed os.epoch "local" not accounting for Daylight Savings Time
  • Fixed files being truncated in text mode on Windows when a \x0A character is found (#204)
  • Software rendering now reuses the same surface to reduce memory pressure
  • Fixed an issue causing inconsistent speeds when recording to GIF
  • Fixed blit only allowing gray colors on grayscale terminals
  • Fixed monitors in raw mode sending close events to the wrong window ID
  • Fixed some issues with setting monitor scale
  • Fixed mouse event debouncing on monitors
  • Fixed monitors not reporting a second monitor_touch event when clicked twice at the same point
  • Fixed mouse_move leave event on monitors not sending the side
  • Fixed a bug causing mouse_move events to stop being sent after a while
  • Fixed behavior of term.blit when passing an invalid character to color strings
  • Fixed raw client mouse events not being sent properly
  • Fixed an issue causing crashes when creating certain peripherals
  • Fixed a possible crash when the BIOS cannot be found (#208)
  • __lt metamethods can now yield from inside table.sort
  • Fixed a possible memory leak in table.sort
  • Fixed an issue causing __lt metamethods that yield to return the wrong result from <=
  • Fixed various errors in yielding from debug hooks
  • Fixed stack not being resized when > 0x08000000 entries are required

v2.5.5 - April 17, 2021

  • Disabled locks when modems aren't attached
    • This can improve speeds by up to 50%
    • If any modem is attached, speeds will drop back to pre-v2.5.5 levels
  • Rewrote HTTP handle read functions to improve reliability
  • Removed Origin header from WebSocket requests
  • Fixed behavior of table length to work more like CC:T
  • Fixed paste contents not being cut at the first newline
  • Fixed memory leak in file.readAll in binary mode
  • Fixed incorrect modulo result when {(a < 0 | b < 0) & |a| % |b| = 0}
  • Fixed hard crash on startup when a custom font file doesn't exist
  • Fixed crash when passing non-string in header table
  • Fixed crash when halting computer after it already closed
  • Fixed crash when an exception occurs while closing WebSocket in the middle of catching another exception
  • Possibly fixed a crash happening when connecting to a WebSocket
  • Readded Lua features that were advertised in v2.5.4 but not actually present on Windows
    • Added debug.upvalue{id,join} from Lua 5.3
    • Fixed a race conditions with modems causing a crash
    • Fixed some random crashes on an odd memory error
    • Fixed crash when passing bad argument #1 to table.foreach

v2.5.4 - March 27, 2021

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.95.3
    • Correctly serialise sparse arrays into JSON (livegamer999)
    • Programs run via edit are now a little better behaved (Wojbie)
    • Add User-Agent [and Accept-Charset] to a websocket's headers.
  • Bumped structure version to 3
    • New fields in configuration:
      • keepOpenOnShutdown
    • New fields in computer_configuration:
      • computerWidth
      • computerHeight
    • New fields in PluginFunctions:
      • attachPeripheral
      • detachPeripheral
  • Added keepOpenOnShutdown setting to keep computers open after shutdown
    • Use the X button to close the window (or your OS's respective key combo)
    • Use Ctrl+R to start the computer again
  • Added per-computer default size options
  • Added two arguments when attaching monitors to specify their size
  • Added debug.upvalue{id,join} from Lua 5.3
  • Added the ability to set host ports for WebSocket servers
  • Added support for KMSDRM backends on Linux
  • Disabled WebSocket servers in vanilla mode
  • Adding duplicate virtual mounts now returns false without adding it again
  • Moved romReadOnly to hidden options
  • Fixed macOS installation instructions for Homebrew
  • Fixed a race conditions with modems causing a crash
  • Fixed abort timeout occasionally firing when running in a quickly yielding loop
  • Fixed WebSockets not being closed soon after close is called
  • Fixed race condition on timer add/remove
  • Fixed some random crashes on an odd memory error
  • Fixed WebSocket binary messages not being implemented correctly
  • Fixed cursor not being reset on shutdown
  • Fixed URL checks being missing from http.get
  • Fixed read past EOF in on text handles
  • Fixed crash when passing bad argument #1 to table.foreach
  • Fixed arg table being missing when running programs with cash
  • Fixed missing http.listen function
  • Fixed window.getSize not working with the new arguments
  • Fixed cash being enabled by default
  • Fixed shell failing to run in vanilla mode

v2.5.3 - February 21, 2021

  • Added automatic crash log uploading behind snooperEnabled
  • Added snooperEnabled config setting
    • This is currently only used for crash uploading, but more (very basic) analytics may be added in the future
  • The debug API is now enabled by default
    • This is possible due to the debug API no longer requiring hooks
    • The availability of debug resolves a long-standing compatibility issue when run with the default config
  • Bumped structure version to 2
    • New fields in configuration:
      • snooperEnabled
    • New fields in PluginFunctions:
      • registerConfigSetting
    • New fields in Terminal:
      • mouseButtonOrder
  • Added new registerConfigSetting capability to allow access to plugin settings from config API
  • Added ability to yield from line and count hooks
  • Debug hooks now work as expected when no debugger is attached
    • This breaks logErrors and non-debugger breakpoints, but neither feature is used much
      • They may be brought back in the future, but they are not working for now
  • Functions passed to load can now yield in standards mode only
    • This is behind standards mode due to the possible performance hit being higher than its usefulness
  • Decreased mixer chunk size to 512
    • This should help with latency in things like the sound plugin
  • Fixed HTTP handles not being closed when going out of scope/being deleted
  • Fixed deadlock/high memory usage when resizing window to 0x0
  • Fixed DPI issues in hardware renderer on Mac when switching between Retina and non-Retina displays
  • Fixed deadlock when maximizing window with snapToSize enabled
  • Fixed mouse buttons > 3 being returned as 1
  • Mouse buttons > 3 no longer report in standards mode
  • Fixed the order of mouse buttons reported with mouse_drag when multiple are down at the same time
  • Fixed crash when loading plugin config
  • Fixed plugin config not saving properly
  • Fixed \ not being treated as a directory separator
  • Fixed /\.{3,}/ not being treated the same as .
  • Fixed fs.getCapacity in standards mode
  • Rewrote abort timeout handling to no longer use debug hooks
  • Changed size_t size in binary Lua chunks to 4 bytes for compatibility
  • Added lua_externalerror to throw errors from another thread
  • Improved performance of internal string split function

v2.5.2 - January 23, 2021

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.95.2
    • Add isReadOnly to fs.attributes (Lupus590)
    • Many more programs now support numpad enter (Wojbie)
    • Hopefully improve edit's behaviour with AltGr on some European keyboards.
    • Fix the id program crashing on non-disk items (Wojbie).
  • Bumped plugin API structure version to 1
    • New fields in Computer:
      • forceCheckTimeout
      • redstoneInputs
      • redstoneOutputs
      • bundledRedstoneInputs
      • bundledRedstoneOutputs
    • New fields in configuration:
      • http_proxy_server
      • http_proxy_port
      • extendMargins
      • snapToSize
    • New fields in Terminal:
      • frozen
  • Added a proper implementation of the redstone API
  • Added ability to mount computers with disk drives using computer:<id>
  • Added automatic CCEmuX migration on first run, deprecating the old Java applet
    • This can be triggered manually with --migrate
  • Added extendMargins config option to enable margins without standards mode
  • Added snapToSize config option to automatically snap the window size to the nearest character size, removing extra margins (on by default)
  • Added proper update verification via sha256-sums.txt
  • Added HTTP proxy configuration
  • Plugins now load in alphabetical order as expected
  • Premature BIOS exits now error in standards mode
  • mouse_scroll no longer reverses scroll direction if scroll direction is reversed in the OS (#185)
  • Errors now appear if mounting/unmounting fails
  • Increased maximum call stack height to 2000, allowing more nested coroutines/function calls
  • __len metamethods can now yield as expected
  • getNextEvent now checks the parameter stack's size before creating a new stack
  • Made some minor improvements to fixpath
  • Fixed memory corruption in raw mode
    • This is the REAL issue that v2.5.1.1 was supposed to fix - the fix didn't work on macOS
  • Fixed key_up not firing for some keys in raw mode
  • Fixed modulo operator returning unexpected results
  • Fixed os.startTimer firing immediately when time < 0.05 in standards mode
  • Fixed os.epoch("local") returning UTC time
  • Fixed infinite recursion in some calls of fs.getFreeSpace/fs.getCapacity
  • Fixed race condition when firing term_resize
  • Fixed duplicate term_resize events being queued
  • Fixed deadlock when passing invalid arguments to term.setPixel
  • Fixed mounting the same path twice
  • Fixed mounter.unmount returning failure on success
  • Fixed showFPS type being set to integer
  • Online: Hardware rendering is now enabled by default on macOS only to mitigate a scaling bug

v2.5.1 - January 3, 2021

  • Added term.setFrozen and term.getFrozen to stop rendering the terminal during critical sections (#165, #177)
  • Added ability for term.getPixels to return a list of strings (#176)
  • Added optional mode argument to term.getSize to return size of graphics mode screen
  • Added Ctrl+F8 (Cmd+F8 on Mac) hotkey to keep current window on top of other applications (#175)
  • Added "attach list" command to list available peripheral types
  • Added extra error message explaining why a peripheral couldn't be attached
  • Added some new MOTDs
  • Margins in standards mode now stretch to the edge of windows if resized
  • Improved performance of pixels in the hardware renderer by using a single streaming texture
  • fs.find no longer uses table.sort for sorting, instead using C++ std::list::sort
  • Replaced instances of lua_newtable with lua_createtable where possible for performance
  • Show last C function for std::exceptions (#170)
  • Fixed websocket.receive() returning a bunch of junk data at the beginning
  • Fixed file.close/http_handle.close not blocking access to other handle methods (#168)
  • Fixed WebSockets not being closed on reboot (#169)
  • Fixed term.drawPixels crashing with invalid arguments (#171)
  • Fixed fs.find sometimes returning duplicate entries
  • Fixed bug allowing mounts to be moved and deleted
  • Fixed cursor color not being reset on reboot
  • Fixed crash when unable to convert text input to CC charset (#181)
  • Fixed wrong cursor coordinates being reported in the margins
  • Fixed WASM building
  • Removed legacy 3ms delay on timers
  • Windows: Fixed CraftOS-PC Standard and Accelerated not being able to be installed together

v2.5 - December 25, 2020

  • Reorganized code structure for easier maintenance of the codebase
    • Code has been divided between APIs, peripherals, renderers, and general functions
    • Resolved a large number (>1000) of warnings
    • Reduced usage of extern to headers only
    • Made all non-global variables static
  • Rebased ROM on the CC: Tweaked ROM
    • The ROM is now equivalent to the CC: Tweaked ROM with additional CraftOS-PC features from the old ROM
    • With this, the CC:T Edition has been discontinued
      • It wasn't really necessary anyway
    • This should help improve compatibility in the ROM
  • Updated CC:T version to 1.95.0
    • 1.94.0
      • Add getter for window visibility (devomaa)
      • Use term.blit to draw boxes in paintutils (Lemmmy).
      • Fix several programs using their original name instead of aliases in usage hints (Lupus590).
    • 1.95.0
      • Clear gets an option to reset the palette (Luca0208)
      • Use term.blit on initial paint render.
      • Add option to disable setting globals (Lupus590).
      • Fixed length check on function name in expect (MCJack123)
      • Allow strings or numbers in textutils.*tabulate.
      • Make fs.combine accept multiple arguments.
      • Added improved help viewer (MCJack123)
      • Added numpad enter support (TheWireLord).
      • Add functions to wrap text (Lupus590)
  • Added new plugin API
    • API version has now been bumped to 10
    • New plugin init/deinit functions: PluginInfo * plugin_init(const PluginFunctions * functions, const path_t& path); & void plugin_deinit(PluginInfo * info);
    • Capabilities in the old API are now present as function pointers in the PluginFunctions structure passed to plugin_init
    • Additional functions are now available as well:
      • Access to the configuration, including custom settings for plugins
      • SDL event hooks
      • Virtual mounts
      • Running tasks on the main thread
    • See for more info on how to write plugins
  • Added release note viewer
  • Added support for CLI mode on Windows through PDCurses
  • Added optional width and height options to term.drawPixels
  • Added term.getPixels to read a region of pixels (LoganDark)
  • Added optional solid color fill argument to term.drawPixels (LoganDark)
  • Added some missing HTTP configuration options (besides black/whitelist)
  • Added a panic handler that is more like ComputerCraft's in standards mode
  • Added force-shutdown functionality when a computer refuses to close
  • Added error handlers when an uncaught exception occurs
    • This should not happen, but if it does CraftOS-PC will no longer fully crash
  • Added tracing of the last C Lua function called, hopefully helping memory corruptions be able to be fixed
  • Optimized scroll and clear routines to directly copy memory
  • Fixed os.setAlarm implementation to no longer use 100% CPU
  • Fixed unknown config options being deleted
  • Fixed close button and hotkeys not functioning when there are too many events in the queue (#154)
  • Fixed monitor.setTextScale not functioning properly with non-6x9 fonts (#150)
  • Fixed term.getPixel returning the wrong values in mode 1 (#159)
  • Fixed a race condition while resizing when using the hardware renderer
  • Fixed a race condition in os.startTimer
  • Fixed a possible race condition when firing a timer
  • Reduced the number of event timeout timers started when pulling events (#158)
    • This fixes an issue causing the timer thread to lock up trying to process start/cancel events
  • Fixed some locking issues in terminals
  • Fixed missing range checks in term.drawPixels
  • Fixed term.getPixel crashing when accessing pixel at edge of screen (LoganDark)
  • Fixed some issues with resizing the debugger
  • Fixed computers hanging when closing the debugger on Linux (#157)
  • Fixed debugger locals table sometimes not functioning properly
  • Fixed some CraftOS-PC term functions being redirected (LoganDark)
  • The craftos2-lua library can now be used in programs other than CraftOS-PC

v2.4.5 - November 28, 2020

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.93.1
    • 1.94.0 support will be coming in v2.5
  • CC:T Edition builds will now update to the standard ROM due to deprecation in v2.5
    • v2.5 is merging the CC:T ROM into the main ROM, so CC:T Edition downloads will be removed
    • Further auto-updates will download the standard version regardless of whether CC:T Edition was installed
    • v2.5 will be the last version with a CC:T Edition download available - after that, updating from CC:T Edition will fail
  • Added some previously missing checks from term API functions
  • Fixed term.setGraphicsMode(false) not working properly
  • Fixed a possible crash in file.readLine on empty lines
  • Fixed a memory leak in os.startTimer
  • Fixed ccemux.openDataDir not working on Windows
  • Fixed monitor_touch events not being sent when monitorsUseMouseEvents is disabled
  • Fixed update message appearing when switching between standard and Accelerated versions

v2.4.4 - October 18, 2020

  • Bumped CC:T version to 1.93.0
  • Added computer size counting to fs.getFreeSpace
    • This is only enabled with standardsMode on
    • Without standardsMode, old behavior is kept
    • May reduce performance of fs.getFreeSpace
  • Fixed path resolution on Windows systems using non-ASCII characters in paths
    • This involved rewriting all of the path-related code to accept wide strings on Windows
      • Why did Windows have to keep using UTF-16??? >:(
  • Fixed keyboard layouts not being respected (#138)
  • Fixed string pattern matching with NUL bytes in patterns
    • This was previously done in the default ROM, but now Lua itself has been modified to fix the issue
    • Alternate ROMs (such as the CC:T ROM) no longer have this issue
  • Fixed automatic directory creation reversing the new directory names (#137)
  • Fixed some crashes related to the printer
  • Fixed HTTP >= 400 response codes not being returned as failures
  • Fixed terminate event not being sent unconditionally when a filter is set
  • term.screenshot can now be called with a boolean value specifying whether to copy the image to the clipboard
  • Added error message to periphemu.create
  • Fixed name of scripts run through wget
  • Added some extra argument checks to shell functions in cash
  • Fixed __tostring metamethod missing from cc.pretty objects
  • Fixed standalone CI builds

v2.4.3 - September 12, 2020

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.92.0
    • Add support for the __pairs metamethod.
    • string.format now uses the __tostring metamethod.
    • Correctly handle tabs within textutils.unserializeJSON.
  • Fixed a crash when using plugins
  • Fixed crashing when a Lua panic occurs
  • Fixed a bug causing lesser performance in C CraftOS functions
  • JIT: No longer using LuaJIT BitOp library as it is incompatible with bit32
    • Now using PUC Lua bit32 implementation instead

v2.4.2 - September 8, 2020

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.91.0
    • Add string.{pack,unpack,packsize} (MCJack123)
    • Escape non-ASCII characters in JSON strings (neumond)
    • Make field names in fs.attributes more consistent (abby)
    • Fix textutils.formatTime correctly handle 12 AM (R93950X)
  • Speakers are now emulated closer to how they work in ComputerCraft
    • Each speaker has its own channel pool
    • Channels are allocated as needed
    • The maxNotesPerTick option now properly caps notes every 1/20 s
    • Only one sound can be played at once
    • Channel numbers are now returned as a second argument
      • These can be passed to stopSounds to stop one channel
  • Replaced custom bit32 library with standard Lua 5.2 implementation
    • This fixes a bug where functions can't take more than two arguments
    • This should also fix any other possible bugs in the bit32 library
  • Fixed yielding from callbacks of certain functions:
    • string.gsub
    • table.sort
    • debug hooks
    • The only function that can't yield from a callback is load
  • Added --mc-save argument to load computers from a Minecraft save
    • This reads from the default Minecraft save directory
    • If the save isn't stored there, you can't use this argument (use --computers-dir instead)
  • Added date-specific MOTDs
    • One of these appears today (September 8)!
  • Added support for hardware renderer in raw client mode
  • Functions can now return an unlimited* number of values
  • Updated cash to use cc.require module
  • Fixed a bug causing the same MOTD to appear on each boot
  • Fixed a bug causing a failure to connect to localhost over HTTP
  • Fixed a bug with the \x escape code
  • Modified internals of plugin loader, fixing a memory leak in the process
  • JIT: Updated LuaJIT to 2.1.0-beta3
  • JIT: Moved plugin path back to plugins-luajit as expected
  • JIT: Added FFI library (available with jit_ffi_enable set to true)
  • JIT: Removed os.setHaltOnLongRunMode, count hooks are no longer used
  • JIT: Fixed a bug causing to not work
  • Windows: Added error dialog when using console-only options with non-console builds
  • Mac: Application is now built as a Universal binary (excluding CraftOS-PC Accelerated, as LuaJIT does not fully support ARM64 yet)

v2.4.1 - August 22, 2020

  • Grayscale terminals now render using 16 grays instead of forcing colors to 4 grays (#132)
    • For example, you can now set the color to and the color will render as the grayscale version of red
  • Fixed a crash when using the profiler (#129)
  • Fixed incorrect cursor color in hardware terminal (#130)
  • Last version check now saves right after boot
  • Fixed up a whole bunch of stuff for WASM ports
  • Re-introduced CraftOS-PC Accelerated for v2.4.1

v2.4 - August 15, 2020

  • Added new GUI terminal that uses hardware rendering (experimental)
    • It uses the GPU to accelerate drawing graphics
    • Uses the same base code that was used prior to v2.1, with updates that have been added since
    • Support can be enabled with the useHardwareRenderer config option or the --hardware or -r hardware-sdl CLI flag
    • A test script is available to see which is better for your system
      • You can run it with gist run 802f64508a1f51b3244f5bcc0414ca22
    • Vsync can be enabled with the useVsync option
    • The driver to use can be selected with the preferredHardwareDriver config option or the -r CLI flag
      • These are all of the possible drivers:
        • direct3d
        • direct3d11
        • directfb
        • metal
        • opengl
        • opengles
        • opengles2
        • software
      • Some drivers may not be available on your system
      • Use craftos -r to list all available drivers
  • Updated CC:T version to 1.90.2
    • Add cc.image.nft module, for working with nft files. (JakobDev)
    • Add configuration to control the sizes of monitors and terminals. (defaultWidth/defaultHeight)
    • Fix string serialization error in textutils.serializeJSON.
  • Brand-new app icon
    • Designed especially for CraftOS-PC
    • Inspired by the aesthetic of macOS Big Sur
    • High-resolution, textured, modern
  • Added proper double-buffering to the terminal
    • This allows you to use the term API while CraftOS-PC is rendering
    • This speeds up programs that end up running lower than the render FPS
  • Added introduction & update MOTD messages
    • When run for the first time (or in a new directory), an introduction message is displayed
    • When run after an update, a notification message is displayed, and suggests running help whatsnew
  • Added support for monitor_touch event as expected (#119)
    • This removes the mouse_* events for monitors
    • The previous behavior can be restored by setting the monitorsUseMouseEvents config setting
      • This will also add the monitor's side as a fourth parameter
  • Added standardsMode config option for strict compatibility with CC:T/CCEmuX
    • Forces time readings & timer resolution to be rounded to 50 ms (1 tick)
    • Adds back colored margins as shown in CC
    • More compatibility tweaks may be added under this option
  • Added startFullscreen per-computer config option
  • Disabled access to romReadOnly from CraftOS
  • Fixed ABI compatibility with standard Lua libraries
    • This means you can now properly use Lua libraries (e.g. from LuaRocks) as plugins
    • Prefix the library name with lua_ to tell CraftOS-PC to skip loading plugin metadata
  • Updated plugin API version to 4
  • Added ID to per-computer config error messages
  • Modems now act as wired modems and can be used to access non-local peripherals (#122)
    • Non-local peripherals can now be listed with peripheral.getNames() when a modem is attached
  • Fixed a crash when opening a debugger twice (#120)
  • Fixed a rare race condition while getting an event (#123)
  • Fixed an issue with saving screenshots to disk
  • Fixed a bug where function key hotkeys don't work when Caps or Num lock is enabled
  • Fixed a bug causing the locals table in the debugger to be missing
  • Fixed bit32.lrotate returning incorrect results
  • Fixed crash when closing CraftOS-PC while a WebSocket is shutting down
  • Fixed crash when using too many nested coroutines (#124)
    • This was due to a bug that didn't update the C call count properly
    • Calling too many nested coroutines will result in a "C stack overflow" error
  • Fixed a race condition in periphemu.detach
  • Fixed incorrect prettification of non-contiguous tables (#125)
  • Fixed raw terminals getting the same ID
  • Added some more locks on timers to prevent crashes
  • Fixed abort timeout not working before first yield
  • Fixed missing UK spelling of term.nativePaletteColour
  • Fixed modem hang due to locks not waiting
  • Fixed missing modem distance field in modem_message event
  • Fixed utf8.char returning %U for each character
  • Fixed a random crash when calling a NULL C function (this shouldn't happen)
  • Fixed styling of message dialogs on Windows
  • Fixed events going to the wrong window in raw mode
  • Fixed Ctrl-R/S/T shortcuts not working in non-GUI modes
  • Disabled fullscreen support in WASM to avoid crashes (#100)
  • Mac: macOS 10.13 or later is now required for official builds
    • Users on older versions are still able to build and run CraftOS-PC themselves
  • Windows: The solution now uses vcpkg for dependencies, so NuGet and separate builds are no longer required
  • Windows: PDF printing is now supported in all builds
  • Windows: Changed Visual C++ Runtime and other libraries to dynamic linking
    • This reduces executable size, but the VCRT redistributable is now strictly required
    • More DLLs will be required as well

v2.3.4 - June 29, 2020

  • Updated CC:T version to 1.89.1
    • This includes full testing on the CC:T test set
    • CraftOS-PC now fully passes all CC:T tests
  • Added an error dialog when an error occurs reading the configuration files
    • The dialog includes a message describing where the JSON parsing error occurred
    • If an error occurs, the defaults will be used, and no changes will be saved
  • Added proper ingame locale for
    • This is based on a 20-minute clock that starts when the computer boots
    • This change is to improve compatibility with CCEmuX/CC:T
  • Added CCEmuX command-line flags
    • --assets-dir, --computers-dir, --start-dir, --data-dir (alias of --directory), --plugin, --renderer
    • The --start-dir flag only affects the initial computer (specified by --id)
  • Added --exec command line option to run inline code without a file
  • Headless mode now reports a color terminal (for advanced testing)
  • os.time now properly parses tables returned by"*t")
  • CraftOS-PC now reports its real version and CC version in HTTP User-Agent strings
  • fs.delete no longer errors when deleting a non-existent file
  • Fixed creating a directory instead of opening a file in write mode (#116)
  • Fixed fs.getDrive returning the wrong results
  • Fixed a whole bunch of warnings
  • fs.getSize now returns 0 when used on a directory instead of erroring
  • Fixed a bug causing audio glitches when playing low notes through the speaker
  • Fixed an error when writing nil or a number to a file (#118)
  • Fixed a crash when an invalid format string is passed to
  • Fixed missing cc.completion and modules
  • Fixed programs getting the path to the program in arg[0] instead of the command as it was run
  • Raised maximum Lua call depth to 32768 (from 256)
  • loadstring now automatically adds an = sign to the chunk name
  • Fixed debug.getlocal not returning function parameter names
    • This fixes the cc.pretty module's parameter detection function
  • Fixed vulnerability in io library
  • Fixed io.lines() with no arguments
  • Fixed missing *L option for
  • Fixed io.write/file:write not returning file handle
  • Fixed string.format erroring when using nil as a string parameter
  • fs.copy can now copy folders as expected
  • Fixed fs.find("/") returning an empty table
  • Fixed fs.attributes having the wrong name
  • Fixed fs.makeDir not erroring when it tries to create a directory where a file is already present
  • Fixed a boatload of string differences to comply with CC: Tweaked
  • Fixed a bunch more small inconsistencies
  • Fixed not creating all parent directories if they're missing
  • Added support for custom options to io.lines
  • Fixed support for '+' modes in
  • Fixed errors in Lua prompt showing [string "lua"]: instead of lua:

v2.3.3 - June 6, 2020

  • Added a record domain to drives
    • Inserting a disk in the format record:<name> will insert a music disc from minecraft:music_disc.* in the speaker sound data
    • disk.insertDisk("left", "record:cat") will insert the "cat" music disc from the sound files as a playable music disc
  • Updated gist (again)
  • Fixed an error preventing the debugger from starting up
  • Fixed fs.readLine returning weird strings on empty lines (#113)
  • Fixed an error when writing numbers to the screen
  • Fixed a bug that overrode User-Agent and Content-Type HTTP headers
  • Fixed audio clipping when playing pitched sound through the speaker
  • Fixed a crash when playing some notes on Windows
  • Fixed stack corruption in the debugger
  • Fixed origin point of paintutils calls in graphics mode
  • Fixed a bug that may lead to events being sent with the wrong parameters
  • Computers now shut down automatically if the BIOS exits

v2.3.2 - May 23, 2020

  • Feature parity with CC: Tweaked 1.88.1
    • Add peripheral.getName - returns the name of a wrapped peripheral.
    • The Lua REPL warns when declaring locals (lupus590, exerro)
    • Add fs.isDriveRoot - checks if a path is the root of a drive.
    • cc.pretty can now display a function's arguments and where it was defined. The Lua REPL will show arguments by default.
    • Move the shell's require/package implementation to a separate cc.require module.
  • CraftOS-PC builds with the CC: Tweaked ROM are now available
    • These builds use the stock ROM, with CraftOS-PC-specific programs included
    • Some ROM features (notably, autocomplete for CCPC programs) may not be available
    • CC:T Edition will replace the standard CraftOS-PC ROM, so they can't be used alongside each other
      • This does not apply to Mac builds, which are distributed as single apps
    • Ubuntu: Install the craftos-pc-cct-data package to use the CC:T ROM
  • bit32 is now the default bit API
    • The BIOS will set up a wrapper to allow programs to continue using bit
  • Added file.readLine to file handles opened in binary mode
  • Added getLabel method to computer peripherals
  • Rewrote Gist program again
    • This will be changing once again in the next version
  • Added new plugin capabilities
    • register_queueTask: Returns a function of the form void* queueTask(std::function<void*(void*)> func, void* userdata, bool async)
    • register_getComputerById: Returns a function of the form Computer * getComputerById(int id)
    • get_selectedRenderer: Returns a number representing the currently selected renderer
  • Capability callbacks now receive the name of the function it's called for
  • plugin_info can now safely throw errors
    • If a plugin throws an error here, its API will not be loaded and the error will be reported to the user on boot
  • Added SDLTerminal::resizeWholeWindow, which resizes a terminal and its window
  • Fixed file.readLine only returning up to 255 characters
  • Fixed a possible race condition

v2.3.1 - May 9, 2020

  • CraftOS-PC is now available as a notarized build on Mac
    • This means it is no longer necessary to right-click the app to open it for the first time
  • Added new crash handler that outputs a stack trace for debugging
    • Mac & Linux builds will output the stack trace to the console
    • Windows builds will only show a dialog showing a crash occurred; the actual stack trace will be saved in a minidump
    • Mac app builds will show a crash report dialog as usual
  • Added mouse_move event (disabled by default)
    • The mouse_move_throttle config option sets the amount of time between events sent
    • It is disabled by default because SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked#434 is still in progress
      • Set mouse_move_throttle to a whole number (50 is recommended) to enable
  • Added file.readAll for binary file handles
  • Added maxOpenPorts config option to cap maximum number of open ports
  • Added a couple of upcoming CraftOS features from CC: Tweaked upstream
  • Added term.showMouse to toggle whether the real mouse cursor should appear
  • Added startComputer capability to plugins
  • Added return value from config.set specifying when the change will take effect
  • Improved error message reporting across the board
  • Using non-vanilla programs in vanilla mode now shows a descriptive error
  • Fixed crash when creating directories
  • Fixed term.drawPixels not working properly for table arguments when in mode 1
  • Fixed writing text files with binary by writing in UTF-8
  • Fixed crash when an HTTP request times out
  • Fixed a security vulnerability involving the drive peripheral
  • Fixed multiple mouse_drag events being sent for the same position (#107)
  • Fixed computer not unpausing when closing debugger
  • Fixed mount dialog showing incorrect text relating to read-write mount
  • Fixed some bugs with the modem
  • Fixed a bunch of small memory leaks & issues
  • Fixed a race condition when taking a screenshot
  • Fixed a bug where the size operator of a table may not represent its actual size
  • Fixed a crash when using a modem or debugger after rebooting
    • This was done by adding a reinitialize method to peripherals
      • This method is called after restarting a computer while having the peripheral attached
      • Use this if your peripheral holds any references to the computer's Lua state or a sub-thread
  • Fixed a bug where coroutines created before attaching a debugger won't be able to be paused from the debugger when resumed
  • Fixed http.get and http.request not allowing using a table as a parameter
  • Fixed a bug where the computer wouldn't boot when disable_lua51_features is enabled (#110)

v2.3 - April 26, 2020

  • Massively improved performance of emulation
    • Speed issues are caused by the debugger's hooks (specifically line hooks)
    • This version only enables the required hooks depending on what features are required
    • In general, more debugging features -> lower performance
    • Depending on the machine, expect between 4-20x faster emulation
  • Added official support for WASM, including an online client (CraftOS-PC Online)
    • CraftOS-PC Online is available at
    • Supports Chrome/Chrome-based browsers, and new versions of Firefox with the following options enabled in about:config:
      • javascript.options.shared_memory
      • dom.postMessage.sharedArrayBuffer.withCOOP_COEP
      • browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginEmbedderPolicy
      • browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginOpenerPolicy
  • Added speaker peripheral
  • Updated CC:T compatibility to 1.87.1
    • Added fs.getAttributes and fs.getCapacity functions
    • Added optional timeout argument to websocket.receive
    • Ported pretty printer to lua.lua
    • Added __len metamethod for tables
    • Strings now accept \xNN, \u{NNN}, and \z escape codes
    • Added utf8 library
    • Added base argument to math.log
    • Moved table.pack and table.unpack out of the ROM and into C
    • Added textutils.unserializeJSON
    • Rewrote settings API
    • Enabled MOTD by default
    • now accepts a table as an argument as expected
  • Added raw terminal renderer
  • Added TRoR (Terminal Redirect over Rednet) terminal renderer
  • Added the ability to place modems on multiple separate networks
    • This can be done by adding a third argument when attaching the peripheral, specifying the network ID
    • Modems with different network IDs won't be able to communicate with each other
  • Added prompt when mounting a real directory, for security
    • This is to mitigate the possibility that a malicious script deletes arbitrary files
    • A prompt also appears when changing the mount_mode option
    • To disable this (not recommended), set showMountPrompt to false in global.json
      • This option cannot be changed inside CraftOS-PC
  • Added filesystem merge mount support
  • Added standalone executable option for Windows & Linux
  • Added scrollback to debugger console
  • Added pop-up when a computer is hung and ignores terminate events
  • Revamped gist program with new commands
    • Added edit, delete, and info commands
    • Gist logins now use Personal Access Tokens instead of a private server with OAuth2
  • Improved command-line usage
  • Cursor color can now be changed as expected
  • Fixed 256-color graphics mode on monitors
  • Fixed crash when receiving tables over a modem connection
  • Fixed a crash relating to timers
  • Fixed memory leak when taking a screenshot on Mac
  • Fixed missing Content-Type and Content-Length headers in HTTP requests
  • Fixed mouse event location in graphics mode when using an HD font
  • Fixed a crash when an error occurs while creating a peripheral
  • Fixed missing error messages when an HTTP connection fails
  • Accessing the string metatable is no longer blocked
  • Removed path argument to term.screenshot()
  • Added a rate limit to term.screenshot()

v2.2.6 - March 15, 2020

  • Added gist.lua to the default ROM
  • Reboot now resets graphics mode
  • Added --rom flag to allow changing ROM directory (#84)
  • Fixed extended ASCII character input conversion (#85)
  • Fixed key events not being sent when Ctrl+[TSR] are pressed (#86)
  • Fixed bug in fs.getFreeSpace
  • Fixed term.drawPixels cutting off bottom
  • Fixed crash when rebooting with events in queue
  • Fixed disk mount paths
  • Fixed deadlock when a peripheral method causes an error
  • Fixed getPixel boundaries being too small
  • Fixed paste events sending \r characters on Windows (#95)

v2.2.5 - February 24, 2020

  • Added --directory argument to specify custom data directory
  • Added --id argument to specify launch computer, overriding initialComputer config option
  • Rewrote --script argument to no longer shadow real startup.lua (#83)
  • Added header option to http.websocket to match CC: Tweaked behavior (#82)
  • Fixed crash when writing below screen
  • Fixed crash when closing WebSocket
  • Fixed terminal background not being affected by palette changes

v2.2.4 - February 14, 2020

  • Computer label now displays in title bar (including the terminal emulator's title in CLI mode)
  • Added cliControlKeyMode config option (#78, #79)
  • Added --args argument to command line to pass arguments to --script (#78)
  • Added UTF-8 support over HTTP
  • Unicode characters are now replaced with '?' (rather than being dropped)
  • now accepts a length in text mode
  • Insecure WebSockets ('ws://') no longer attempt to use secure WebSockets
  • Fixed WebSocket connection failure when no path is provided
  • Fixed crash when closing computer with open WebSockets
  • Fixed crash in fs.list() when a non-string argument is passed (#77)
  • Fixed crash when closing computer with running timers
  • Fixed crash when reading a string with an invalid UTF-8 codepoint
  • Fixed crash when too many events are queued
    • This also fixes a crash when pasting long text in CLI mode
  • Fixed glitch/crash when resizing CLI window (#78, #80)
  • Fixed issue with clicking the mouse in CLI mode (#78)
  • Fixed 100% CPU usage when using CLI mode
  • Fixed term.setCursorPos() clamping the cursor to [0, width)
  • Fixed term.clear() filling with black/white instead of selected BG/FG combo
  • Fixed file.readAll() on Windows when the file has no end newline
  • Fixed issue when reading single character at a time from text files
  • Fixed POST data stopping at NUL characters
  • Made some HTTP error messages more descriptive
  • Fixed HTTP implementation in WASM port
  • Added --enable-wasm flag to './configure' to allow building for WASM
  • Added window switcher for WASM builds
  • Fixed debugger locals once again
  • table.concat() now works with non-contiguous tables
  • Fixed crash when a computer's config file was corrupt or empty

v2.2.3 - January 13, 2020

  • Added useHDFont virtual config option
  • Added support for reading UTF-8 files
  • Pressing enter in the debugger's Call Stack tab now keeps file open
  • Stepping multiple lines in the debugger now works as expected
  • Fixed accessing locals in the debugger
  • Updated cash to latest version
  • NUL bytes in string patterns no longer mark the end of the pattern
  • io.input()/io.output() no longer fail when called with io.stdin/io.stdout, io.stderr (#75)
  • Fixed bug that caused on binary files to always return one byte
  • Fixed segmentation fault when Lua crashes
  • Fixed some bugs relating to vanilla mode (#76)
  • Added preliminary Emscripten/WASM support (#73)

v2.2.2 - January 2, 2020

  • Feature parity with CC: Tweaked 1.86.0
  • Added MOTD (disabled by default)
  • Added Ctrl+S and Ctrl+R hotkeys (#70)
  • Added configurable recording length and framerate
  • Fixed crash when resizing window to a smaller size (#71)
  • fs.makeDir no longer errors when creating a directory that already exists
  • io.write no longer adds a newline to the end of the string (#68)
  • os.setComputerLabel no longer errors when no label is provided (#69)
  • Fixed string length bug in debugger.print

v2.2.1 - December 21, 2019

  • Added cash 0.3 as an optional shell (set bios.use_cash in the settings)
  • Added help files for CraftOS-PC features
  • Improved speed of terminal writing
  • Reduced processing time used by terminal hook
  • Verified compatibility with CC: Tweaked using official tests
  • Fixed a security flaw that allowed modification of read-only mounts
  • Resolved an issue that prevented monitors from drawing
  • Fixed a bug where secure WebSockets failed to connect with "WebSocket Exception"
  • Fixed a possible deadlock when stepping the debugger
  • Removed turtle, pocket, command programs; removed bmpview
  • Added --small flag to screenfetch

v2.2 - December 15, 2019

  • Added F12 hotkey to copy screenshot to clipboard (Windows & Mac only)
    • Calling term.screenshot("clipboard") will have the same effect
  • Fixed default IO handles (stdin/out/err)
  • Changed _HOST variable to more accurately represent ComputerCraft
  • Fixed delete.lua
  • wget.lua no longer requires a file name (CC:T behavior)
  • Added register_termQueueProvider capability, which recieves the address of the void termQueueProvider(Computer *comp, const char *(*callback)(lua_State*, void*), void* data) function

v2.2p1 - December 1, 2019

  • Added new debugger peripheral
    • Opens in separate window
    • Four tabs available
      • Debugger: GDB-style debugging terminal
      • Call Stack: Visual backtrace viewer, shows files
      • Profiler: Measures function call count & time
      • Console: Allows printing debug messages outside of the main terminal
    • Computer can be paused with debugger.break(), debug.debug(), or Ctrl-T in debugger
    • See the documentation for more information
  • Added breakpoints
    • Can be set with debugger.setBreakpoint(file, line) or debug.setbreakpoint(file, line)
    • Does not require debugger to be attached
      • When no debugger is available, lua.lua is executed
  • Fixed #1 ("attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary" when using pcall)
    • Tracebacks/errors now function normally
    • This was accomplished with a patch that allows yielding across pcall's in Lua 5.1.0
      • Thanks to EveryOS for sharing the patch and for sending me a fixed version for 5.1.5
  • Moved per-user save directory to more platform-appropriate locations
    • Windows: %appdata\CraftOS-PC
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/CraftOS-PC
    • Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/craftos-pc (usually ~/.local/share/craftos-pc)
    • Data will be migrated when running CraftOS-PC v2.2 for the first time
  • Added brand-new plugin API
    • Plugins should now provide a plugin_info function
    • This function pushes a table with the API version and requested capabilities onto the Lua stack
    • Capabilities are requested by adding a callback function for a function in CraftOS-PC
    • These callbacks will recieve the requested function as Lua userdata as the first value on the stack
    • Available capabilities in v2.2:
      • register_getLibrary: Recieves the address of the library_t * getLibrary(std::string name) function
      • register_registerPeripheral: Recieves the address of the void registerPeripheral(std::string name, peripheral_init initializer) function
      • register_addMount: Recieves the address of the bool addMount(Computer * comp, const char * real_path, const char * comp_path, bool read_only) function
  • Added new config options
    • vanilla: Set to true to disable all CraftOS-PC features
    • initialComputer: The first computer that starts when opening CraftOS-PC
  • Added periphemu.names() which returns a list of all available peripherals (unsorted)
  • Added term.drawPixels(x, y, lines) which draws a table of lines at a position
    • Each line can either be a string or a table of individual pixels
  • Fixed debug.sethook, debug.gethook
  • debug.debug() now functions the same as hitting a breakpoint
  • Added hooks for errors, coroutine resumptions and yields
    • Running catch error in the debugger will pause execution when an error occurs
    • Errors are logged to stdout if the logErrors config option is enabled
  • Fixed a bug when creating directories
  • Fixed timers with <= 0 length
  • Fixed printing extended characters in the console
  • Rewrote implementation of the modem peripheral
    • Tables and strings are now properly copied
    • Fixed rednet API
  • Replaced Lua plugin loader with custom loader
  • Made SDL_mixer an optional dependency
  • Fixed many more bugs

v2.1.3 - November 3, 2019

  • Added two new configuration variables
    • mount_mode allows restricting mounting to read-only or disabled
      • none (0) disables mounting altogether
      • ro strict or ro_strict (1) forces mounts to be read-only
      • ro (2) sets mounts to read-only by default (default option)
      • rw (3) sets mounts to read-write by default (v2.1.2 behavior)
    • configReadOnly disables config.set()
  • Bugfixes
    • #57: config.get("readFail") returns not real nil
    • #58: Crash on macOS on rebooting
    • #60: edit causes segfault when a line goes off the screen if there are more than ~100 lines in a file
    • Fixed crash when non-ASCII characters are present in computer label
      • Computer labels are now stored in Base64 by default; if you want to change the label in the JSON file, simply set computerLabel to the ASCII label and remove the base64 key.

v2.1.2 - October 23, 2019

  • Fixed some crashes on reboot/quit
  • Fixed list subcommand of config
  • Changed return value of config.getType() to type-string
  • Added PNG screenshot support for Windows builds
  • Fixed "not supported" icon on macOS versions below Catalina
  • Added launcher icon on Linux

v2.1.1 - October 16, 2019

  • Fixed http handle methods when using binary mode
    • wget now works as expected
  • Fixed os.clock() implementation
  • Fixed a bug regarding embedded \0 characters
    • term.write() can now print strings with NUL characters
    • String patterns do not work with NUL characters in the query string
  • Removed auto-updater on platforms other than Windows & Mac
    • These systems can either update through a package manager or rebuild from the release source
  • Ubuntu PPA: Fixed CLI support
  • Mac: Moved license to LICENSE.txt in disk image
    • Requiring the license to be agreed to breaks the auto-updater

v2.1 - October 13, 2019

  • Added 256 color mode
    • This can be activated with term.setGraphicsMode(2)
    • Use numbers 0-255 to choose color instead of colo(u)rs API
    • Colors 0-15 are set to default colors, use term.setPaletteColor([0-255], r, g, b) to set color palette
  • Added auto-updater, allowing one-click installation of new updates (Windows/Mac only)
  • Added custom fonts
    • Set customFontPath to the (real) path to the font (BMP format only)
    • Set customFontScale to the font scale
      • 1 = HD font (12x18), 2 = normal font (6x9), 3 = 2/3 size font (4x6)
  • Fixed graphics issues on Linux with NVIDIA graphics
    • Renderer has been rewritten to fix this
    • Should improve performance when using a reasonable number of windows
      • May degrade performance when using >1000 windows at once on a slow system
  • Added CLI mode
    • This can be activated with the --cli option
    • Not available on Windows (use WSL if necessary)
  • Added more HTTP methods
  • Added fullscreen hotkey (F11)
  • Added romReadOnly config option
  • Added Ubuntu 19.10 & Arch packages
  • Added autoconf script to compile
  • Many bugfixes
    • Fixed compositor disabling on KDE
    • Fixed monitor.setTextScale
    • Fixed term.screenshot
    • Fixed fs.getDrive
    • Fixed window resizing on Linux
    • Fixed many compilation warnings
    • Cleaned up code to be more C++-like

v2.0.1 - September 13, 2019

  • Added automatic update checking
    • Pops up a window alerting the user about the new version
    • Can be disabled with the checkUpdates config option
    • Will be expanded into an auto-updater in v2.1
  • Added term.setPaletteColor(color, hex) syntax
  • Fixed plug-in loading on Mac
  • Fixed computer label always getting reset to true
  • Fixed ignoreHotkeys not being saved

v2.0 - September 8, 2019

  • Fixed high CPU usage, now uses ~5% CPU at idle
  • Moved plugin directory on Mac to
  • Fixed HTTP requests

v2.0p1 - August 25, 2019

  • Added WebSocket support
    • http.websocket(url) will open a client WebSocket connecting to url
    • http.websocket() will open a server WebSocket that can be connected to
  • Added plugin/module system
    • Add plugins in the <installation directory>/plugins folder
    • See for more details
  • Added method
  • Added io library with proper filename redirects
  • Added drive peripheral
    • Use disk.insertDisk(string path) to mount a folder or audio file
    • Use disk.insertDisk(number id) to mount a floppy disk from ~/.craftos/computer/disk/<id>
  • Added a whole bunch of features from CC: Tweaked, making CraftOS-PC mostly compatible with CC:T
  • Added new ROM features
  • Moved font into executable (no longer requires craftos.bmp)
  • Redid HTTP client/server code, removing some dependencies (expect bugs)

v2.0b3 - August 20, 2019

  • Rewrote codebase to pure C++
  • Added multi-computer support
    • Computers can be added with periphemu.create(<id>, "computer")
    • Can be added from the shell with attach <id> computer
    • Both forms attach the computer peripheral to the current computer
  • Added modem peripheral
    • Still WIP, expect some bugs
  • Added GIF recording support
    • Press F3 to toggle recording
    • Shows red circle in corner while recording
    • Limited to 15 seconds for performance reasons
    • Saves to ~/.craftos/screenshots/<time>.gif
  • Added coroutine override to partially solve some problems in #1
  • Moved Windows install directory to 64-bit Program Files
  • .craftos directory is now created on boot
  • Reimplemented fs.find, fixing #4 (fs.find returns {} on Windows)
  • Added some CC: Tweaked features
    • #16 (Add monitor.getTextScale())
    • #24 (Add automatic HTTPS requests)
    • #25 (Add term.nativePaletteColor())
    • #29 (Make os.time() and case-insensitive)
  • Moved all dynamic libraries into Mac app (fixes dyld errors)
  • Added switch to auto-run script (--script )
  • Added switch to run headless from the console (--headless) (does not work on Windows build, recompile for the console subsystem to use)

v2.0b2 - August 13, 2019

  • mounter API
  • HTTP server listeners
  • Terminal & monitor resizing
  • Window icons
  • Holding Ctrl-T sends terminate event
  • Added built-in screenshots
    • Take a screenshot with F2 or call term.screenshot(path)
      • path is a global path outside of CraftOS and is optional
    • Saved to ~/.craftos/screenshots by default
  • Added some configuration variables
    • debug_enable (false): Set to true and reboot to enable debug API (or disable removal)
    • ignoreHotkeys (false): Set to true to disable hotkeys (F2)
    • isColor (true): Toggles whether the computer is an Advanced Computer or Standard Computer
  • Distributed builds now use the CraftOS-PC ROM instead of the ComputerCraft ROM
  • Moved ~/.craftos/config.json to ~/.craftos/config/global.json
  • Big changes under the hood
    • Switched to software rendering from hardware rendering (see #5)
    • Rearranged a bunch of the code in preparation for multiple computers
    • Changed event queuing system to put parameter threads under a separate state rather than the main state
      • This should a) reduce memory leakage or b) improve event stability

v2.0b1 - August 7, 2019

  • Near full compatibility with ComputerCraft 1.8
  • config API - adjust ComputerCraft configuration
  • periphemu API - attach peripherals to the computer
    • monitor
    • printer
  • Terminal graphics mode
  • debug API access